Study Design: Cohort study ( prognosis ); Level of evidence, 4.
研究方法: 队列研究 ( 猜测 ), 4级可信度.
互联网Study Design: This is a prospective radiographic cohort study.
研究设计: 该研究是一项前瞻性放射学队列研究.
互联网Study Design . Retrospectie cohort study with prospective clinical follow - up .
回顾性的队列研究和前瞻性的临床 随访 研究.
互联网Study Design: Cohort study ( prognosis ); Level of evidence, 2.
研究设计: 队列研究 ( 预后 ); 证据等级:2级.
互联网In total , 40 patients were enrolled in this historical prospective cohort study.
互联网Study Design. Clinical prospective cohort study in academic tertiary setting.
研究设计: 三级专科医院的临床前瞻性队列研究.
互联网Study Design: Cohort study ( prevalence ); Level of evidence, 2.
研究设计: 队列研究 ( 患病的 ), 证据水平:2级.
互联网Study Design: Cohort study ( diagnosis ); Level of evidence, 2.
研究设计: 队列研究 ( 诊断 ); 证据水平:2级.
互联网Study Design. A prospectie, radiographic cohort study.
研究设计. 前瞩性的关于影像的队列研究.
互联网Study Design. A retrospective, cohort study.
研究设计: 一项回顾性 、 随访调查研究.
互联网Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2.
研究设计: 队列研究; 证据等级:2级.
互联网The patients were recruited from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study, an established community based research population.
患者来自墨尔本协作队列研究, 建立社区人口研究.
互联网Study Design. Retrospectie cohort study using a hospital registry of all nonfederal acute care hospitals state.
研究设计. 回顾性序列研究一所华盛顿医院挂号处由于非致命性急性损伤的患者.
互联网Cohort study has a high clinical operation, but it is difficult to control bias.
队列研究临床可操作性高, 但其控制偏倚差.
互联网Research design and methods: Cohort study involving 2499 patients with ACS recruited from 11 UK hospitals.
研究设计及方法: 研究人群是来自英国11个医院的2499名患急性冠脉综合症的病人.
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